Monday, April 9, 2012

I really love Mondays!

I feel like Monday's are a fresh start every week!

Last week, I spent a lot of time looking for a new apartment/house for us to live in because the neighbours here have really started to be not great.  They were never really great to begin with but we have new ones, yet again, and this time there are issues that I just can't over look and I really don't want to live here anymore.

So, like I said, I spent a lot of time focusing on that.  There was nothing...well, there was but none of it was in the right area or in our price range.

We were also still looking for a van.  That was fruitless over the weekend as well.

I gave up for the weekend and we had a nice Easter morning, Easter brunch and then Easter dinner.

Today, we spoke to a car dealership and it looks like we'll have a new van by the end of the week.  I also resumed looking for new accommodations and there were several that are really nice and in our price range!

So, I'm really hoping everything is aligned for us to get what we're looking for!  There is one in particular that is an actual house!  No sharing walls with anyone!!  I contacted the landlord and I'm hoping to go and see it sometime this week :)

I'll update when I know more!!!


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