Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dr.'s appointments, hockey and cubs and soccer and just general errands have kept us a very busy family for the last week!

There isn't much to report.  I've got 34 days left to go of this pregnancy (well, until my due date, I could go longer, who knows) and in that time we have Marryn's 3rd birthday, a wedding, father's day, Marryn's birthday party, exams for James, the end of school, a golf tournament and about 5 more Dr.'s appointments, an eye appointment for Marryn (her first one) along with hockey and soccer (cubs ended on Tuesday night).  So lots to keep me occupied until the end!!  I'm thankful for that, it makes the time go quicker.

I'm also thankful for our central air!!  It was quite hot earlier this week and on the weekend and I was very glad to be a hermit and hang out in the a/c!!  I can sweat just sitting here now!  Yesterday and today are much nicer and yesterday we got a LOT done and we were out virtually all day long.  We went to the union hall to drop off our paperwork for our new glasses, picked up our new glasses, I went and got my blood work done in preparation for my Rhogam shot which I will have either today or tomorrow, we went to our friends house and Jer helped him remove a tree, then we went for lunch at the Smokin' Buddha with him...Marryn loved sitting outside on the patio to eat :)  Then we came home and Jer went and gave blood, then we took Jonah to his soccer practice and after that we came home and had dinner and hung out and watched TV for the night.  It was so beautiful out.  Great day :)

Today we're kind of lounging.  Jer's napping on the couch and Marryn is hanging out in her undies watching Caillou cute.  I'm just doing a couple loads of laundry and hanging out on the computer for now.  I'm hoping to go get my Rhogam shot later but when I called this morning they were pretty busy at Labour and Delivery and told me to call back this afternoon so we'll see.

This weekend is quiet other than Jonah's soccer game on Saturday so we'll likely just be spontaneous...if we decide to do something it will be last minute for sure.

Hope everyone had a good week!!!

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