Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

Happy V Day to all who celebrate it!

Well, I failed glutenlessly...I just felt like crap on that diet!  Kind of dizzy and weak...within an hour of cheating with a half a bagel I felt SO much better!  So I ditched it for now.  If the rheumy says to go it again I will and I know I can stick to it, I will just have to power through the crappy feelings.  For now, gluten it is!

On a lighter note, it's Valentine's day :)  I love this holiday.  There is a lot of romance in my life on a regular basis but there is just something about pink and red and hearts and flowers and love :)  Makes a grey February that much brighter.

My Flowers
The flowers James gave his girlfriend
My Prezzy!
Jer got me a year subscription to Paintworks Magazine as well as some new drawing pencils and I got him a T-Shirt of the Month subscription from Busted Tee's!  It's a good day :)
I hope your V Day was as wonderful as mine was :)