Monday, August 13, 2012


It's been a crazy couple of weeks!  We went to Sudbury, went to Science North  (and checked out the Body exhibit which was amazing!) while we were there.  Had lots of quality time with Jer and then were able to bring him home with us when we left :D  It was a pretty boring week otherwise because Sudbury is a pretty boring place to be! :/  But it was all worth it!!

When we got home we were non-stop!  Visiting family and just being together doing all the things we normally do in the summer.  We went and got fresh fruits and veggies from our favourite stand, went to Canal Days for the fireworks, went out with friends ALL night long while the kids stayed at Jer's sisters house.  We went for sushi with all our friends the next day.  We've been to Black Creek Pioneer Village (we didn't end up going before we left for Sudbury because we ended up hanging out with Cian and his mom instead :)), we've been to the ROM.  We had a birthday party here for Jonah.  We've been out and about quite a bit.  We're all so happy and content :)

I can't believe summer is almost over already.  I've started thinking about back to school shopping already!  Jer and I are going camping, just the two of us, in a couple of weeks.  It will be nice to reconnect.  In September, we have plans to take the kids camping a couple of time with friends for the weekend.  We didn't get to do our big 10 day camping trip this year but there is always next year for that.  October is coming much more quickly than I expected it to!!!  We're all very much looking forward to Havelock (Jonah probably the most because he got a new fishing pole for his birthday from his Grandparents and he spends a lot of time fishing there!) as well as our Florida trip.  I'm starting to really think about our packing and schedules for all of that!!

Cubs also starts again in a few short weeks!  And for the first time, Marryn will start dance class (squee!).

Things are back to normal and my heart is full!

Hope everyone else is doing as well as we all are!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're all back together! I hope your dh gets a local job in the near future.
