Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A much better night!

Last night was much better than the night before!  I'm feeling much more rested today and I didn't need my legs rubbed to fall asleep.  I still wake up every couple of hours to pee but I was able to get right back to sleep and sleep soundly (I was even dreaming!).

So today, the floors will be done and I'll be getting everything ready for Jer to BBQ some steaks for dinner.  Then we're headed over the river to get gas and groceries.  The gas prices are apparently going up to a crazy amount today (not like they're not already at $1.33/litre) and I don't want to pay that much!  We can get it for $1.07/litre in the states so that's where we're headed.  A lot of their groceries are also much cheaper so it makes the 40 minute drive worth it.

Everything is pretty quiet today and tomorrow and then Friday we have a fish fry for Easter at Jer's Aunt's place with all of his family.  Saturday we're going van shopping at Haldimand Motor's, I'm hoping to finally find something!  We've been searching for a month so far.  Sunday is Easter and Monday is a day off for the kids but probably not Jer (boo).

All my Easter shopping is done already thank goodness so I don't have to do the mad rush shopping.  It should be a pretty good albeit busy weekend!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

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