Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1.  My children.  Even when we're not necessarily getting along (teenagers are trying), I'm thankful for you everyday.  You push my buttons and drive me crazy but you also warm my heart and make me laugh.  I love you forever.

2.  My husband.  For telling me, when I just can't hold it together, that you love me and that you're here, wholeheartedly and that you aren't going anywhere.  That we'll get through this just like anything else.  You give me the strength and courage to push on even when I'd rather go to bed for 3 weeks!  I love you times infinity plus one.

3. Now that the extreme seriousness of my thankfulness is out of the way ;), I'm thankful for our new van!  It's a beautiful 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan and we LOVE it.  I'm thankful for all of the things that made it possible for us to now own this beautiful vehicle!

4.  I'm thankful not only for our country's health insurance, but also the extra coverage we have through Jer's union.  I've read in the last few weeks about people who have to worry about their health needs being paid for by insurance companies who take their sweet time as well as people who have no insurance at all and have to choose between groceries and getting medical attention when they're sick.  I'm so grateful that our children can and do visit the Dr. on a regular basis, have regular dental and eye check ups and get prescriptions and that it doesn't cost us an arm and a leg to pay for it.  We are very, very fortunate to have coverage!

5. I'm thankful for everything seeming to fall into place so far for the new house we're looking at tomorrow.  I mentioned that the landlord was asking for some reference letters and whatnot and we have two of the three items and are picking up the third tonight so that when we go and view the house tomorrow we'll have everything he's asked for.  I'm really hoping that because of that we can move forward and rent this particular house.  I'm pretty sure the other one has been rented already but we preferred this one anyway as there is a rent to own option.

Happy day before the weekend starts!!!!

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