Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Man, what a beautiful morning to wake up to!!

It's been a good weekend.  Yesterday we went for dinner for Jer's dad's birthday and then back to their house for a party.  The kids went to my niece's birthday party earlier in the day and James had a ball hockey game so they didn't come for dinner but they came to the party after.

Today is for laundry and I'm going to get the kitchen floor washed.  I started it yesterday but ran out of time.  We're having grilled pork tenderloin for dinner tonight...I do all the sides and Jer does the BBQ'ing, I hate the BBQ, it freaks me out lol.  I'm definitely missing Jer being home on Sunday's right now, usually we go for a drive with the kids, come home and have family dinner but with him working all we can do is the family dinner.

This week is pretty uneventful.  No appointments or anything, just cubs and ball hockey for Jonah and James.  The weather is supposed to be great all week so I'll likely try and get Marryn out to the park a couple of mornings.  It's been too cold and wet the last 2 weeks after I take Jonah to school.

Other than that I'll likely continue planning our camping trip and Florida trip in the fall.  I've already booked our camp site in August from the 10th to the 19th.  I'm SO excited about that, we haven't been able to get out the last couple of years and we've really wanted to, it just never lined up.  This year it works out perfectly, we are borrowing Jer's dad's trailer again and they're gone away for that week as well and won't be using it.  We'll be putting a trailer hitch on our new van as well so that we can haul it ourselves this time, last time we needed him to bring it to us at our camp site.

Florida, even though it's like 7 months away, is a big thing on my mind right now!  We'll be there over Halloween so we're trying to decide if we want to go trick or treating door to door in a place called Celebration, Florida, or if we want to spend an extra $80 per person and trick or treat IN Disney.  We'll already be there that day anyway so we'll have experienced all the decorations and characters and everything, I'm just wondering if $80/pp is worth it for trick or treating or not...I'm leaning toward Celebration but we'll have to see.  We'll also be visiting Universal Studios and Adventure Island to check out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!  THAT is the main attraction for me!  I really think it will be for the boys as well and since my mom is coming with us and Universal is a little more older child oriented, Marryn might stay with Grandma for the day when we go there.  I just don't think she'll enjoy Universal as much as the boys will.  It's less princess and more Harry Potter and the Simpsons lol.  Other than that, our villa has a pool in the backyard so we'll likely be spending a few days just relaxing around the pool side.  We want to go to the beach one of the days we're there so the kids can check out the ocean but we haven't decided if we'll go to the Gulf or Atlantic side yet...our villa location is right in the middle.  I've heard good things about both sides so I'll have to look into it more.  I think Jer wants to find a place to rent a surfboard for a couple of hours with James and I think the Atlantic side is better for that.  There is also a Ghost Tour that I'd like to check out...we may do that the night of our anniversary.  I'm so looking forward to this, our first real family vacation!

Now that I've talked and blogged about my ruminating the recent hurtful events, I'm feeling SO much better about them.  Talking to the people who really matter about how I was feeling and realizing that I don't need to be ashamed of feeling sad that a particular friendship has ended has really helped me gain some perspective.  So thank you to my husband and my best friend, for helping me realize why I was rehashing it all the time.  It makes total sense and I think I'm finally able to start moving on from it.  It feels good to be able to start moving forward again.  It was the one thing I said at the beginning of it all was that I didn't want to dwell on it.  I had put everything tangible away, I didn't reread or over think everything yet I was still having the issue moving forward.  I think I just needed to talk through it a bit more and acknowledge my sadness and not feel bad that what I was feeling WAS sadness after being angry for a couple of weeks.

There are much better things to be focusing on in just this year alone!  Grieve, wipe the dust off and move on.  This year started out not the greatest but it's going to END fantastically!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh MAN, Florida sounds frigging awesome!! I wish i could come too, but alas, i must work. Poo. I recommend the Gulf side....been there, near Treasure Island, and Tampa and stuff, and's amazing. Florida rules. Also, people don't have to wear helmets if they don't feel like it - ummm.....CRAZY!!

    As for the loss of your friendship - i'll just come right out and say it, from my perspective of what happened - it's not a loss. It's a realization. Either way, painful and full of hurt. But in no way did you lose something that wasn't there in the first place. Simply remember who loves you, and forget who doesn't. No loss there. Only backstab and hurt.

    Love you! M xoxox
