Monday, March 12, 2012

Good Morning Monday

It's been one week since I decided to start blogging everyday again.  Thankfully I found the Daily Meme site to help me out when I don't feel like I'd have anything "new" to say here!

I used to hate Monday's when I was working.  It was the longest point from the weekend when I could catch up on everything and spend time with everyone.  When Jer works and I'm at home I love Mondays.  I always feel most productive after a weekend with everyone home.  I usually get tons of stuff done, especially if it's a nice day like it is today!

On my to-do list today I have re-vacuuming after yesterday...even though it was already done yesterday, we had a friend over all weekend and we munched and had dinner and it needs to be done again, regular kitchen stuff like cleaning off the counters and finish filling the dishwasher even though we all got together and did dinner dishes last night (which was a nice change!) there are still a few things from after dinner, Monday is bathroom day on my new routine list so that will also be done today.  I also want to get a bit of laundry done...there isn't much left from Friday's laundry day but the kids were playing pretty hard all weekend and there are probably two loads, one of muddy clothes and one of towels.  I also plan to make peanut butter cookies today and Jonah said he wanted to help so as soon as Marryn goes down for her nap that's what we'll be doing.

And then of course dinner....which I haven't decided what we're having yet lol

Typical Monday at our household (oh I can't express enough how happy I am for things to be back to normal!).

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday as well!!!

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