Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday 9

The Saturday 9!

1. Do you enjoy going to a casino now and again?  Yes, I just went last night and then realized that I could have a real problem if I was to go on a regular basis.  I enjoy gambling far too much!  I dreamed about slot machines last's kinda scary so I plan to stay away for the most part!

2. What makes you happy most of the time? My family :) 

3. Are you jealous of someone right now? Nope...I'm not a jealous person at ALL.

4. You're stranded on a desert island with one fictional character. Who is it? Why?  MacGyver?  So that he could create a boat out of palm leaves and old logs and a radio out of some coconut shells and dental floss I have in my pocket lol...that would save our lives!

5. Have you ever been in the emergency room? If yes, for what (most recently)?  Yes, most recently for bleeding during pregnancy...but most often because of my asthma.

6. Where is the last place you drove to just for fun? Niagara on the's so quaint and pretty there.

7. If you were to make your living as a photographer, what would love to shoot? Weddings, hands down!

8. Tell us about a band you like that we might not have heard.  Ani DiFranco...solo artist rather than band but she's my favourite and I love her :)

9. Where was the last place you went shopping? Why?  Walmart...groceries.

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