Monday, March 19, 2012

Motivated Mondays

 I'm finding more and more that I get the most done on Mondays.  I was trying to space big household chores out over the week but I find that Monday is the most productive day of my week.  Probably because I'm a little more laid back over the weekend with the kids and (usually) Jer home.  We would much rather go out together than spend time doing chores!  So the housework tends to get pushed to the side a little more on the weekends.

I do have to say though that since February 15th, things have been neat and tidy almost every day.  The date is significant though I won't say why.  But what happened on that day really motivated me to keep up with everything instead of...well, not.  I will admit I hate housecleaning.  I like a clean house, I just really dislike(d) doing it.  Now that I'm doing a little bit each day, even when I REALLY don't feel like it, and I'm getting the kids to at least pick up after themselves (they used to have dishwasher duty but it's usually done by the time they get home from school now and I will leave the dinner dishes until the morning if there are just too many, if not I'll load the dishwasher myself before bed) and help out with picking stuff up off the floor so I can vacuum or bringing their laundry down to the basement, it's not nearly as bad as it used to seem.  I'm not hating it nearly as much as I used to.  And it's nice to know that anyone can come here at anytime and I don't have to worry about what the house looks like!

So, Mondays consist of cleaning and getting the house back to the way it was last Monday!  And I am enjoying it (which is surprising to me lol)'s nice to have a spotless kitchen to get dinner started's nice to have a very tidy living room to sit in after I've done it all as well!  So far today I've done both bathrooms and the dusting and it's not even 10 am! (And that doesn't include getting the kids up, dressed, fed and to school either!)  But, enough of a break, I'm back at it now!

Happy Monday!

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