Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Stealing: The Not My Year Meme

Sunday Stealing: The Not My Year Meme

1. Are you in a job that you truly enjoy? 

Now that I am back at home with my children, cleaning, cooking, baking and doing laundry, yes.  To some it may sound horrible, menial and even old-fashioned but, I love it.

2. If you could do any job in the world what would it be? 

Other than what I'm doing now, and once my children get older, I would love to plan weddings.  I already have the Bridal Consultant Certificate.  I love weddings!

3. If you could be a character in a novel who would you be?

Probably Dora Rare from The Birth House by Ami McKay

4. When it comes to spending time with those you love, do you think it should be about quality or quantity?

Both really.  Sometimes just being in the house together, each doing our own things but within earshot of each other is good.  Other times, playing scrabble or clue or watching Harry Potter is great!  I spend a lot of time with my loved ones :)

5. Is there a job/career you wanted but realized you couldn’t possibly do for one reason or another?

Yes, birth doula or midwife.  I have a horrible vomitting phobia...and when I realized that pregnant and labouring moms throw up?  That was it, I couldn't do it.  :(

6. If you could live anywhere in the world or out of this world where would you live?

Ireland or Austrailia.

7. Where would you most like to visit and who with?

Ireland with my husband and children.  Which we will be doing in 2020.  I can't wait!

8. Which skill would you like to learn?

I would like to learn to sew and further my baking skills.

9. What made you laugh today?

My kiddos.  They say the funniest things sometimes :)

10. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Spending the day with my kids because they're on March break.  It's supposed to be really nice so we may head to the park for the first time this year (aside from tobogganing!).

11. What is your sign and do you believe in horoscopes etc?

Sagittarius and I do believe to some extent.  I don't think they can predict your life but I think they can help guide you.

12. If you could change one thing about your life thus far, what would it be?

Nothing.  Everything that has happened, everything I have done, every decision I have made, has lead me to right where I am right now.  If I changed things, my life would not be what it is right now...and I love our life, our family and our day to day.  Even all of the crap things that have happened...they have only made me a better person and stronger in the long run.  It sucked going through it but again, I wouldn't be where and who I am today.

13. If there was one charity you could give a huge contribution to, which charity would it be and why?

Well, my number one person to give money to right now would be my friend and her son who has battled cancer over the last couple of years.  They are really struggling right now and if we could just win the lottery, they would be all set and never have to worry financially again!

As for an actual charity, there are so many.  If we won the lottery, a lot of charities would benefit!

14. Should smoking be legal?

No.  Especially not in Canada.  We have "free" health care here.  Meaning tax payers pay for it.  There are so many people still smoking, despite the warnings, who end up sick with emphysema and cancer who are a huge strain on the health care system.  Not to mention, if it had been made illegal a long time ago, I might still have my dad here, who passed away from lung cancer due to smoking in 2007.

15. What are your views on the smoking ban in public places?

I think it's awesome.  I hate the smell of smoke and being a former smoker, I've chosen NOT to have smoke in my lungs anymore, therefore I'm glad I don't have to walk through buildings where people are smoking!  Bad enough when you walk out of a mall or big chain store and right into a cloud of smoke, YUCK!

16. Why do you blog?

I started originally because I have something to say.  Some are political, some are not.  But right this minute, I blog as part of a routine.  I enjoy writing and I haven't done it in a while!

17. Do you have a favorite author?

I like to read, I don't have a favourite!

18. Can you play any musical instruments?

Yes, flute, piano, bass and guitar.

19. What would your ideal car be?

Dodge Grand Caravan!

20. Describe yourself in one short sentence.

I'm a strong, loving, caring, fiercely protective, blunt, compassionate mother and wife.

21. What do you look for in a spouse/other half?

Someone who loves me for me, despite my flaws.  Someone who is romantic and loving, supportive and wonderful.  I have him already so I don't have to look any further :)

22. Worst meal you’ve had?

Meatloaf.  I hate meatloaf.

23. What do you do to relax in the evening?

Usually watch DVR with my husband. 

24. Do you get along with your siblings?

Some of them.

25. Do you have any regrets?

I regret a few things, a few decisions and many mistakes I've made in my life.  However, I would not change them.  See #12.  I have made some really horrible mistakes and decisions but the only thing I can do now is know the difference between right and wrong and try to fix/make up for those things.  I know now what kind of person I DON'T want to be and I strive everyday to make sure to guide my children and hope that they don't make the same mistakes I did.

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