Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Come Dancing

1. When was the last time that you went out dancing?
I haven't gone out for the purpose of dancing since probably 2006

2. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher?
Of course, many!

3. Do you have a tough time remembering people’s names?
No not usually, I have a pretty good memory, unless I'm pregnant lol

4. Would you rather change your past or know your future?
Know my future.

5. What’s one thing you feel you must do in your life before it ends?
Visit Ireland and the rest of the UK for an extended like 3 or more weeks, to take in everything and enjoy it without being rushed.

6. How many credit cards do you have right now that have a zero balance?
2, and we don't plan on using them again.

7. What is the most expensive thing you purchased this year?
We're about to buy a van.  Everything is approved at the bank, we just have to find the actual vehicle!

8 . If you're married, this probably doesn't apply to you, but: Are you mindful about getting tested for STDs/HIV at least semi-regularly? Why/why not? Married people: Were you mindful about this type of thing when you were single? Why/why not?
I was to a point.  I was tested on occasion but I was mostly in relationships that, once I was tested within the first 3-6 months, I didn't feel the need to be tested again.  And I have been tested since being married because of the's standard practice.

9. If you could ask the president of the United States one question, what would it be?
How do you handle hearing all the negative things people say about you, especially when they aren't true?  How does it personally affect you?

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